Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Love It When A Plan Comes Together!

The Christmas decorations are in place (at least everything that will go out this year- maybe more next year). The presents are all bought, and almost wrapped (the first year I won't be shopping on Christmas Eve! Progress!).  All the sewing is completed, and all that's left is to make cookies of some sort for the neighbors.

SO, it is with great pleasure, much anticipation, and huge relief that I get to do this ...

Are you ready??

( I'd make a great rock concert announcer!)

Release date- December 22, 2010.

I'm working on a few sound clips- we'll see how that goes.  Contact for more information.

Project number 2....

I finished the bishop dress- but I didn't take a picture. I'll try to get one up before the season's over.

Project number 3...

Someone asked me to make a stocking yesterday. Short Notice, but it's done. I found cute fabric ( Christmas lights) and some gold beads, paired with some shiny red satin, and this is the result....

Here's the hanger

and the heel...

the toe

the cuff

Even on a box, ready to ship!

So, with that in mind, I'm off to get last minute food items, make a beard for my step-son's Post-Nativity drama at church, and dare I say it, Relax?  

1 comment:

  1. cute stocking!

    I'm am entirely unprepared for Christmas in a variety of ways. I'm fairly certain that stressing about Christmas is not the same as PLANNING for Christmas.


About Me

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Being married to a wonderful husband, with his incredible son, awesome nephew and pretty neat father can have it's challenges, but it's always rewarding. Singing in the church choir and sewing for those I love are always wonderful blessing. I hope you enjoy my thoughts, and projects. SS