Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And after the 12th day of Christmas...

The house is headed towards clean. The Christmas tree is bare, and still in the living room. The stockings and ornaments are all put away for next year, and the Christmas fabric has been re-labeled with new intentions.

Just in time for Theophany and Old Calendar Christmas.

So, as promised, here's a picture of the " Bishop bishop" with it's proud owner and her brand new bright red bow. I think she's a precious little gem, but then, I'm biased!

She loves her "princess dress and beautiful bow", and anything else I make for her!
My mom told me one of her friends mentioned I should go into business. I chuckled.

My wonderful hubby also schemed with my family and provided a treasured Christmas Gift.

Click here to see the wonderful gift! 

And, of course, the church CD. I'm surprised- we've gone through 100 cd's already! What a blessing to have such music in the car, on my laptop, and soon, on Ancient Faith Radio! We're working diligently with Concilliar press to make that happen. So, should you want to hear sound bytes- hang on a few days. I'm sure you'll have something soon!! Until then, if you would like a copy, feel free to contact St Symeon the New Theologian.

So, with the New Year in full swing, I look forward to my grandmother's 80th birthday party, and my dear friend's wedding. I'll finish sewing everything for her this weekend, and hopefully have pictures soon. Prayerfully, I'll have news on the job front soon, unless I have enough sewing requests to sustain us for some time.


  1. The CD is FANTASTIC! We got it just before we left for Dallas so I didn't have time to write you. We took it on the trip and listened to it countless times! We've already sold the two we put in the bookstore and are going to have to order more soon. Are there any clips on Youtube yet? I'd like to link to it on the blog if so.

  2. I'm So glad you like it! We've come a long way since my first days at the church. We don't have clips on youtube yet, but I'll look into that just for you. We have, however made it to Ancient Faith Radio! Let me know how many more you want, and we'll be happy to ship them.


About Me

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Being married to a wonderful husband, with his incredible son, awesome nephew and pretty neat father can have it's challenges, but it's always rewarding. Singing in the church choir and sewing for those I love are always wonderful blessing. I hope you enjoy my thoughts, and projects. SS