Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Campus Capers

So, even though my finals have finished, I'm still coming to school for one reason or another. Yesterday, I'd left campus to run a few errands. I came back to campus, and waking back to my " dedicated study area" I saw this. 
Look closely,  just behind the fountain... yes.. those are the legs of a chair.

I caught myself wondering why someone would throw a chair into the fountain.

Then I remembered my days at University of Montevallo. When the snow fell, the roads iced up, and all the students ran for their nearest relative, the cafeteria locked up the trays.  We hated having no trays, and it wasn't until several weeks later I discovered why. 

During one particularly unusual April, we received 20+ inches of snow overnight. Once I let the amazement sink in, I decided to take a walk around campus ( the fact that the power was out encouraged me also). As I headed to my usual buildings, I found out why we had no trays. The lucky few students who'd realized we would have a weather situation, had taken trays weeks earlier from the cafeteria, and fashioned a sort of sled out of them. They were sliding down the hill in front of the president's house. Later, this is where we would all brave the cold, and "camp out for homelessness awareness". 

Why do I bring this up? I simply find it amusing that, no matter how old I get, College students will always be kids. No matter how old they ( or we) are, college will always be " never -never land". 

And.. it's cold, sleeting, freezing rain, but no snow!

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Being married to a wonderful husband, with his incredible son, awesome nephew and pretty neat father can have it's challenges, but it's always rewarding. Singing in the church choir and sewing for those I love are always wonderful blessing. I hope you enjoy my thoughts, and projects. SS